Since its founding, Nutris has fostered a strong relationship with the CAALA organization. Many CAALA members utilize Nutris‘ unparalleled services to better serve their own clients.
What is CAALA
The Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles was founded in 1949 and was originally known as an informal group, the Lawyers Roundtable. Most were trial lawyers that pioneered many of the practice areas that are most common today amongst plaintiffs attorneys. By 1952, the original group had more than doubled in size and became an official association to defend clients against unsafe medicine, business practices, and products as well. The group of more than 3,000 attorneys today established their current name in 1994.
How Does it Benefit Its Members
The mission of CAALA is to:
“Ensuring access to justice, Preserving the constitutional right to trial by jury, Promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct among consumer attorneys, Preparing materials and programs designed to inform the public about the role of consumer attorneys in furthering the interests of justice, Improving the quality of legal representation by conducting educational programs and preparing educational material for use by consumer attorneys, Advancing the cause of those who are damaged in person or property and resisting efforts of others to unduly curtail the rights of consumers, and Upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of California.
- To represent the interests of plaintiffs’ trial lawyers and their clients.
- To improve the quality of legal representation by educating trial lawyers and other legal professionals.
- To encourage cooperation among members.
- To promote the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity among trial lawyers.
- To protect the rights of injured victims.
- To promote the public good through concerted efforts to secure safe products, a safe workplace, a clean environment, eliminate discrimination, and quality health care.
- To improve the administration of justice.
- To preserve the constitutional right to trial by jury.”
CAALA creates a community of support, education, and advocacy for its members. The goal is to provide an environment for members to learn, share, and foster an environment conducive to creating meaningful and important changes for the consumer attorney community.
Nutris and CAALA
Nutris has been a long-time partner of CAALA. Our commitment to providing outstanding service through advocacy for plaintiffs during defense medical exams has made Nutris an important partner of the CAALA community. During the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2020, Nutris was so committed to furthering the mission of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, we became a partner in the “Friends of CAALA” program. Our goal was to support this important organization during a time when normal fundraising wasn’t an option. We were honored to assist in keeping the organization able to function in such a challenging environment.
Work with Nutris
Curious about how a Nutris nurse can assist you during your client’s defense medical exam? Contact us today to learn more about how our nurses support attorneys by creating peace of mind during defense medical exams, but also by saving them valuable time as well.
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